Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"I'M IN LOVE...with you.." :) -Moments of Impecible Timing

What happened today that wasn't amazing? Oh yeah! NOTHIN! Today was one of the best days I have had in a very long time. Do you wanna know why? Sweet! Because I am going to tell you why! Well... you see.... I GOT A JOB! Remember the interview I told you about in yesterday's job? Well I had it and ended up getting the job. It's amazing. I am so excited! I start my first day of training tomorrow. Things are looking pretty good for me.

My mother gave me the idea that I should take in my Sterling Scholar portfolio to my interview. Since I haven't had any experience with any other profession, I thought it would be a good thing to have handy and avaliable. In order to have my portfolio for the interview, I drove down to ST. George to get it. I officially love driving to ST. George. It is relaxing and really rather fun. Anyway..... once I got to my house back in ST. George, I walked in, put all the remaining stuff of mine in my car, and my little sisters came home. It was touching.... I love them so much. It was so great to get hugs from them. I have never got so many hugs from those two in my life. It made me feel loved. I really do miss my family.

After I saw my family, I met one of my best friends at Starbucks (like we used to do in the old days) bought some drinks and just talked for a while. I miss talking to that guy on a regular basis. He is one of those people that is just easy to get along with and open up to. He listens to you. He is one of the greatest friends a girl can have! After Starbucks, we headed over to Urban Wear and I bought some stuff, we ate. Made some amazing memories. Such as Eric getting caught by the police for being a cross dresser and creating the most perfect moments. After we were done hanging out, I headed back up to Cedar... I wanted to get some more applications for a few more jobs... my interview was speedily coming!

Walking into my interview was one of the scariest things I have ever done. When I get nervous, I tend to get really really hot and start to sweat.... I don't shake... I just sweat... It was horrible. But fortunately I was able to shake the managers hand without getting my underwear up in a knot (I learned that little phrase from my grandma). After filling out an application, I sat in an interview from 4:00-6:30 doing things such as talking to the manager, and listening to him talk about what we do at the company. At the end of the interview, (which was conducted more like a seminar in front of a group of people [just two of us in this session actually]) he pulled me into his office, looked over some parts of my resume, and then told me he was pleased to give me the job. I was thrilled. My first job I applied for up here at my new home and I get it. This was just suppossed to happen!!! He congratulated me, gave me a letter and sent me one my way. Out of the forty-five people that he interviewed that day only three were chosen... I was one of them. I feel very thankful for this oppertunity.

After I went to an AMAZING session of institute, my sisters called me while I was in Dairy Queen with one of my good friends from up here. It kills me to hear how much they miss me. I miss them so much and just hope that they are happy. I am now starting to realize how hard it is to be away from home and all the ones you love and care about... I don't know how people can do it and stay happy... or do they stay happy? Either way i'm going to try to stay happy and help my little sisters when ever they need me. I better get some sleep! I gotta go run tomorrow AND go to a training seminar! :D

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