Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CHOCOLATE FUDGE!! (if you didn't already know.. that's my new name)

I know. I know it has been a while since my last blog. In reality, nothing happened to me that inspired me enough to write a new blog. I wasn't drawn to the computer like I had been in the past to type a few words to illuminate from a computer screen. In fact, life was simply boring for a while. I was getting scared (notice that 'a while' was only between two days to a week...hmmm) that life was passing me by and I was missing something. I was second guessing my decision to come here or even come to college... until approximately 7:42 this evening (oh yeah... I am THAT accurate)

There was a YSA (Young Single Adults) BBQ get together at a golf course here in Cedar. I was really nervous to go. I was tempted not to go. I just wanted to cuddle up in my own ball and ignore the world. I guess you can say that I was afraid of disappointment... I didn't want to go to this thing, meet no one, talk to no one, and then leave as pathetic as I was when I came. Despite my fear, I decided to go. After having a hard time finding the place (and a little help from my bishop) I go there. It was all rather unfortunate at first, I didn't have the nerve to talk to anyone... I felt so out of my element. I am used to high school students and such... I was confident around them. These older people made me feel.... insignifigant. It was weird. Finally I gathered up the nerve to introduce myself to these two girls who eventually just left me. HA! Yeah. It started off pretty bad.... all up until my biship started talking to me.... and then this other guy joined and then this amazingly radiant spark of sunshine started talking to all of us.

Mackenzie was her name and I freakin adore the girl. So anyway, we started talking about theatre and after getting food I sat by her and her friend Kaeli. It was AWESOME! We just laughed and had a ball!! They were so adorable! Then they asked me to go to a friends house to watch Up! I felt so cool! After the movie we went to Wal Mart, bought ice cream, talked about boys, went to Mackenzie's apartment, then invaded this other persons apartment and watched TV with them. AH! It was so much fun!I had just barely met these girls and I feel as though I have known them my whole life! It's SO NICE TO HAVE SOME GIRLFRIENDS UP IN CEDAR!!! I am FINALLY getting somewhere here! HAHAH! Thank heaven for church sponsored activities and doing things even though they scare you! Sometimes those things will bring you the most happiest and you will reap so much more. I love it. A new life lesson every day!!


  1. Hey! I hope you don't mind I followed your facebook link to your blog. You're a fabulous writer and if it's okay I'll be a faithful reader. I can't believe you're all grown up. So happy for you you met some great friends and sounds like this whole experience will be so great. Good for you!

  2. Thanks Andrea! Sorry I havent written in a while, I think I will be writing more when I get internet in my apartment.
