Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I can't stop thinking... I can't stop feeling...

Today has to be one of the hardest days I have had up here in Cedar. I mean. It's been horrible. I'm tired. I'm worn out. I just want to hang out with a friend, but no one is there. . . Everyone is working. This whole breaking up thing is harder than I remember. I think it's just taking a little longer for me to bounce out of it. Maybe it's a combination of a lot of things that is making me feel terrible. What ever it is, I would really like for it to stop now.

Last night there were a lot of stars in the sky. That is an EXCELLENT sign. . . it means something big is going to happen. Lately I haven's seen many stars in the sky, so you can only imagine the pure euphoria racing through my veins as I looked up into the sky. Something is coming. Something is coming soon. I wonder what it is.

I got new pots and pans today from my grandma and grandpa. I was pretty excited. It was nice to be able to make something on the stove for once. I was getting sick and tired of cereal and spaghettio's so... yeah. HA HA.

You know.. College starts really soon. Tanner told me on the phone today that it is going to be the start of a new life for me. It's not going to be anything like the summer. I'll meet new people. And i'll do new things. I am really lookign forward to that day. I feel as though... I use up all my experiences so fast and so much that once I have sucked all the life I can out of something... there isn't anything left.... I am a life sucker aparently. Hmmm. I don't know whether to consider that a good thing or a bad thing.

Well, wish me luck. :)

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