Sunday, October 31, 2010

How wonderful! HE'S wonderful! :)

I want to write a new blog. I want to tell the world exactly how I feel right now... just... let it out onto a blank computer screen and share what I have found with the world. The desire is there, yet there is no defintive way for me to describe these specific things. This weekend has been a dream. There is no other way to say it. Life took a camera to my... brain... (cough cough) when I was sleeping, recorded all the best moments, and somehow intertwined these seemingly unrelated and magical moments to create this.

A memory.

A dang incredible memory that will always, hold a special place in my heart no matter what happens. Isn't that partiatlly what life is about? Learning how to capture a moment and always appreciate it despite the outcome of a given situation? Well... I think it is. So i'm behind on homework (big deal!) so I don't know what tomorrow holds (so what?). All I know is that I can find happiness even in the smallest moments even if at times I need to use the most powerful "microscope" I can get my hands on.

This memory means a lot to me.

So all I will allow to be posted on my blog today regarding this memory is the following statement:

He is wonderful. He is fantatic. He makes my heart beat faster. He is a good friend and one of the best ways to make my day a little brighter.

Thats all :)

I think it would be appropriate to elaborate on the different events that have recently occured in my life. Today I got a new phone (yay!) my old one was about to die... SOOO... thank heaven I relieved it from it's misery. My room mates and I also squeezed together in a box known as "The Box of Shame" to take an epic picture of peace, love, happiness... AND WAR! (sorry to all of those who don't understand the reasoning for adding war... guess you'll never understand my epicness unless you ask). Ava was a dead rock star and Raquel was a cowgirl for Halloween. They were adorable. I did the make-up (and it was the BEEST). ALSO...I was Ke$ha. It was pretty legit. I enjoyed my time being her. ALTHOUGH I never incorporated her actions into my day to day routine. IF you know her songs you know that it wouldnt be a very wise decision.

Aren't the memories formed in the moments wonderful? :)

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