Saturday, May 29, 2010

First day away from home...

Well, today is my first official day living in Cedar. Exciting, I know! But it is also extremely frightening. It's kinda weird being away from home. For the first time in my life I am sitting at the computer all day searching for jobs. It's crazy... I am now officially going out in the world to make something of myself. I like it. It's about freaking time!

I was up until about 2:30 this morning putting a desk together. It's pretty legit. I bought it at Wal-Mart yesterday for about $40. I love it. There is something about putting your own desk together bought with your own money that gives you a sense of pride. I like feeling like an adult, but to tell you the truth it makes me feel VERY uncomfortable. I have gone from hanging out with freshman (don't get me wrong guys I love you with every fiber of my being) to entering the adult world in a matter of days. Talk about reality slapping you in the face! It was like... PAOW! Sorry Alexis, can't let you be a kid anymore. Time to grow up... I can't decide yet if I like it.

MY ROOM IS ALMOST DONE! Let me tell you! I got in here and got STUFF DONE! It's pretty much legit! In my 27 or so hours that I have been in Cedar, I have successfully put a desk together, organized a closet, hung up a cork board and white board, organized a bathroom, gone to a graduation, saw Prince of Persia (which was bomb by the way), printed out some pictures, started a blog, and applied for a job. I know... I am pretty much ridiculously cool AND a babe! (I love you Megan!)

In closing I miss St. George already. I miss the lack of wind, the sun, the heat, the people, my freshman, my best friends, my life, my theatre, but most importantly my family. Life will be different for me up here... but I will take it by the horns and... attack? (I don't know how that analogy is supposed to end.. hahaha) Wish me luck!!


  1. I love that you mention me out of NOWHERE. :D

    Also, you inspire me. Way to be productive. :) I really want to go see Prince of Persia now, too. bahahaha. :D Loving it.

  2. By the way, I'm looking at your danged blog now. Happy?


